WPI Magazine

Lt. Boots Interactive Videos


Lt. Boots Interactive Videos 〰️


Wild Life of Lt. Boots

Lt. Boots laughs in the face of danger: he was born in a 12” firework tube. It was pretty scary because he and his litter mates could have been Exploding Kittens. Just the thought of that gave him a Titanium Tantrum so he said to his brother, “Let’s Go Brandon!”, and they bound through the Field of Dreams toward the WPI office like Gladiators on a mission. Growing up, Boots was a bit of a party animal and loved to hook up with the ladies. He met his Ex-Wife on Prom Night. (The theme color that night was a Grimmise purple.) His pet name for her was Tinker Bell, but her temperament was more like a T-Rex. After one crazy episode after another...especially the one At The Track that went Ka-Frickin-Boom, he considered calling for an Exorcism. This cat had gone all Seizure Ballz!

More of the story to come.

“His litter mates could  have been Exploding      Kittens!